Sunday, September 26, 2010

Outdoor Ads

This advertisement, released in Israel last month is clever and simple. I like how they incorporate the brand logo into the advertisement to illustrate how McDonald's has changed. Despite what many people think, McDonald's menu has food for you that is NOT THAT BAD and people who wear medium sized clothing do in fact eat at McDonald's. The tagline is simple, "McDonald's, it's not what you had in mind..." because in Israel they have altered the menu to offer food with much less calories and fat. With outdoor advertisements, simplicity is always important because consumers only have a few seconds to view the advertisement, so it is difficult to make those few seconds last a lot longer in the consumers mind. I especially like it because, billboards are very prevalant on highways so this McDonald's ad may persuade drivers on long trips to take a quick and now healthier stop.

This advertisement is interesting, I like how they use the technique of showing the effect. The billboard seems to be damaged as if the cars were in an actual accident due to tailgating. The short tagline "Tailgating isn't worth it" directly gets the point across to the audience. I think it is clever to show the effects to drivers, while they are actually driving. Otherwise it may not be as effective if you show it on television because when they go to drive again, they may have already forgotten the advertisement.

This is an advertisement called "Magic Door" and was done for Senac University. I think it is interesting to advertise on a door, where I'd assume many people walk through each day. It is a technical school and on the bottom of the ad it reads, "BE THE MAGICIAN" and "A technical course in magic for recreators." As you can see on the side, a person is pretending he is actually doing the magic trick, which could be fun and interactive amongst many more people. Also, with smart phones like the Droid, consumers who don't know what the ad is promoting, can instantly find out with apps like Google Goggles. After taking a picture, the application matches it with related links through Google's web base.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Visual Solutions

This advertisement is simple, yet very effective. If you look closely, you'll notice a hand showing the peace sign. Then you look to the bottom of the ad and see the hand in the camera up close, with the words 24X and zoom optico. The camera apparently has zoom-in capabilities like binoculars. I like the ad a lot because this is an important feature I would consider when buying a camera. Whenever I go to football and baseball games I always take a picture on my cell phone and this advertisement is telling me that with the samsung camera, I can now zoom in and see my favorite players up close.

You would think that trying to advertise a product without using any words would be difficult, but I think this ad is brilliant. The Duro lock is still on the shredded locker, which was obviously harder to break into than just cutting up the locker. The reason this is effective is because shredding a locker is not easy. So unless someone can inconspicuously break into your locker with some power tools, you have nothing to worry about.

We're all familiar with kit-kat bars, and there slogan "break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar." The shocking/bizarre image catches your attention, and then you see their slogan, "Have a break. Have a kit-kat." However, other than the fact that the human is split, and kit-kat's split, it doesn't really compel me or make me feel as if I want a kit-kat bar right now. The person seems to be in pain as well. You can also notice little bits of chocolate flying around, like the person is a giant piece of chocolate, but the piece of chocolate doesn't seem too appetizing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Still a virgin? This ad really won't help...

I'm sure many of you have seen this ad on Erie Boulevard. This shocking, yet engaging billboard has been launched in many cities across the country, and unsurprisingly have stirred up many controversies. So what is this advertising? The Virginity Hit, is a new Will Ferrell movie. The billboard definitely engages consumers by giving them a "call to action." You can either call the toll free number or visit the website. Because so many people are using smart phones, I believe the billboard is a good marketing tool. Recent reports would agree, suggesting that the number has been dialed 70,000 times in 5 days. The eye-catching billboards have definitely helped raise awareness for the film.However, through extensive research, advertising agency Draftfcb determined that advertisements have 6.5 seconds to engage consumers before their attention is diverted. When I attempted to call "the virgin hotline" it asked multiple questions: whether I was a virgin, single, etc., before I finally hung up without receiving any answers about the movie. I definitely think the website is more effective.

Sinking a ship with one finger may be bizarre and impossible but I think we all understand what is going on here. By reading the text we can obviously determine that you can watch any movie on your iPhone. The finger sinking the ship personifies the touch screen-iPhone, which allows us to view movies that provide a real experience, in which we feel as if we are apart of the movie. The advertisement is clean and is not overloaded with text, it conveys the message well, encouraging me to buy the iPhone and ditch my blackberry. I believe this uses a good use of the exaggeration effect.

Similar to the iPhone advertisement, which tries to portray the iPhone experience, this advertisement focuses on the HD experience. The papers are swirling in-sync with the tornado on the television, using the exaggeration effect the ad is illustrating the HD experience. This advertisement also contains very little text, but is clean and concise. If you are a consumer shopping for an HD tv and you find this ad, you'll instantly know that Claro tv provides an exceptional HD experience according to these advertisements.